Andrea Beth Damsky, L.Ac., Dipl. OM., MSTOM


Diplomate of Oriental Medicine

A Diplomate of Oriental Medicine is a practitioner who is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM®) and has met the certification requirements for both acupuncture and Chinese herbology. It is a considerable professional achievement to earn the designation Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). NCCAOM certification indicates to employers, patients, and peers that one has met national standards for the safe and competent practice of acupuncture and Chinese herbology as defined by the acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) profession. For additional information, about the Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, please visit the NCCAOM Website.

Licensed Acupuncturist

Andrea Beth is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the State of California, having first received her license in 2002.  Her license number is AC 8654.  Andrea Beth was additionally licensed in the State of Arizona, from 2004-2009.

In the United States, acupuncture licenses are issued under the jurisdiction of many (but not yet all) states. Each state establishes its own criteria for licensure, and its own scope of practice.  In addition, each state has its own title for the acupuncturists which are permitted to practice there. 

In California, Licensed Acupuncturists are health professionals who are licensed by the California Acupuncture Board.  All Acupuncturists who practice in California are required to have this license.  In order to receive a license in California, an Acupuncturist must excel in her knowledge of acupuncture and Chinese herbology.  California Acupuncturists are also required to be well-versed in medical terminology, diagnoses and procedures, and pharmaceutical (prescription) medicines.

The standard education level required for licensure in California is a Master's degree. California's scope of practice for Acupuncturists is broad, and includes:

  • gathering health history information
  • determining a diagnosis
  • formulating a treatment plan
  • administering acupuncture treatments and allied therapies
  • prescribing herbs and other natural substances
  • dietary and nutritional counseling
  • lifestyle recommendations which support the health goals of the patient.

For more information about Licensed Acupuncturists in California, visit

Applied Clinical Nutritionist (ACN)

Certified through Southern California University of Health Sciences in 2017.  

In my work with patients, I noticed that their diets were often lacking sufficient nutrition to power their bodies in healing the conditions which brought them to see me.  Often too, their digestive systems were weak and unable to efficiently extract the nutrients in the foods they were eating.  To solve address these concerns and better serve my patients, I completed the Applied Clinical Nutrition training.
The ACN Program provided an education in Whole Food Nutrition and Herbal Medicine, and offered me the opportunity to study with some of the best clinicians in the country on how to use Whole Food Nutrition and Natural Therapies in my practice.
The important role of the evolving field of Clinical Nutrition in remedial and preventive health care is supported by a growing body of scientific research. Many people are seeking natural healthcare approaches that prescription medicines fail to correct. I am trained to respond to this rising interest in health and whole food science, to guide my patients towards a well-researched, nutritionally sound way of living.

As an Applied Clinical Nutritionist, I create personalized health plans for my patients. The applications of clinical nutrition are a as preventative, adjunctive, and alternative strategies for intervention in the disease process, by using whole foods and whole food nutritional supplementation.
Standard Process is the nutritional company I have chosen to partner with. SP has been providing highly concentrated therapeutic whole food formulations since 1929. Research shows us that given proper nutrition, the right nutrients, the human body has an amazing ability to repair and heal itself. Whole food supplements supply our bodies with nutrients we are not getting from our diet and fill the nutritional gap.  Standard Process has partnered with MediHerb of Australia, to round out its nutritional line with herbal products. Both of these companies are top of the line in research, and  potency, and their products are beyond compare for purity, potency and efficacy.