Andrea Beth Damsky, L.Ac., Dipl. OM., MSTOM

About Andrea Beth


When you are looking for an acupuncturist, there are some things you should want to know.  Questions you might ask include:

  • How much experience does this professional have?
  • Does she have expertise in treating my particular concerns?
  • What kind of results can I expect from working with her?
  • What is her treatment style like?
  • Why did she become an acupuncturist, and how?
  • What do her patients and colleagues think of her?

I have been licensed and practicing acupuncture and herbal medicine for more than 20 years.  Since 2002, I have been licensed in California and nationally certified through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.  In addition, I was licensed in Arizona from 2004 through 2009.

During these years, I have provided excellent care to patients in my private practice - I have offered individual appointments for comprehensive health care, and group sessions geared towards stress reduction.  I was hired to administer treatments to reduce the symptoms of addiction withdrawal in 2 residential addiction treatment centers.  Between treatments, I have offered free health education talks and workshops for the public, and also for doctors and other health professionals.  I have designed a complementary wellness and stress reduction program for an internationally-famous health resort.  I was as an authorized volunteer at Veterans Village San Diego, where I provided acupuncture services free of charge to US military veterans.

What drew me to study Oriental Medicine was my own health.  I had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and the treatment options offered by my doctors were not helpful to me.  When I began my studies, it was with the intention of learning how to improve my health from the inside out, and to be able to use this knowledge to help others with similar health struggles.

In 1997 I moved from Berkeley, CA to San Diego, to study at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.  I relocated because this school has the reputation for being "The Harvard of Acupuncture Schools", and I wanted to study with the best.  I had always been interested in herbal medicine, and this was my primary interest of study in acupuncture school.  During my studies, I became fascinated with acupuncture as well, and amazed at the powerful results that a simple treatment could bring.

Living with fibromyalgia has taught me much about living with chronic illness, and this is an understanding I bring to my practice. Patients living with fibromyalgia and other chronic health conditions are often quite sensitive to medications, treatments, their environment, the emotional states of others, and other experiences.  Understanding this, my treatment approach is gentle, kind and careful to avoid overwhelming those who are sensitive in this way.  To empower my patients as much as possible to improve their own health from within, I offer instruction about proper nutrition, movement therapies, state of mind, stress management, and meditation.

It is likely that most health care practitioners specialize in treating ailments that are personally most familiar to them.  I certainly follow this rule, and specialize in areas in which I have personal experience in needing to address for myself.  These include symptoms associated with anxiety, stress, insomnia, headaches, PMS, menopause, digestive distress, allergies, and acute and chronic pain.  Other areas I like to address include "anti-aging" or longevity medicine, athletic endurance, health maintenance, and exceptional wellness, vitality, and vibrant health.

Patients I enjoy working with most, are those who are movitated to take responsibility for improving their health and are willing to learn how to do that.  Improving one's health involves being open to making positive changes in self-care habits.  I appreciate how challenging this can be, and will work with anyone who is willing to make even the tiniest changes.


My Mission

My vision is for you, as someone with real health care needs, to experience each moment of life as a potential act of healing.

I celebrate each time someone comes to understand, that improving their inner dialogue can be an act of healing. That taking an herb formula can be an act of healing. That showing up for a treatment can be an act of healing.  That reducing your stress, sleeping better and improving your outlook can be powerful acts of healing for you, your loved ones, and for everyone you touch in your life.

Life "happens" to all of us.  It is my mission to to help you improve your enjoyment of life, by increasing your overall wellness and strengthening your center.  When this is accomplished, life can "happen" to you in a positive way; it can flower through you, be your teacher, and help you create the life of your dreams.



Some of the best insight you can gain about a professional is from those who she has worked with, and those who know her.  Here are some testimonials that have been generously given to me over the years:


"Andrea Beth is an amazing acupuncturist.  She's very thorough and customizes her sessions in order for me to receive the most effective treatments possible.
The reason I am seeing Andrea Beth is because I am defeating cancer, and my friend recommended her to me even though I am afraid of needles and even more of my reaction to needles.  
Andrea Beth has been very mindful of my nervousness and has even purchased the thinnest needles on the market to make it as comfortable as possible for me.  This is soooo considerate of her, and I appreciate her so much for it!
One thing I've enjoyed is that Andrea Beth is a great listener and as she gets to know my personality, has provided terrific solutions to issues that I talk about.  She has never pushed her ideas on me, but has encouraged me with an openness that I can receive from.
Andrea Beth, I thank you for your precious time that you have spent with me and for your skill and technique in the healing arts of acupuncture!  I highly recommend you to anyone out there."
-D.M., Holistic Health Practitioner & Patient


"I have experienced acupuncture treatments from many over the past 20 years, and Andrea Beth is by far the best! She is very thorough and knowledgeable, and explained everything so well. My session was fantastic! She is very gentle, I was so relaxed I even fell asleep during the session. I experienced a lot of great energy movement in areas that were stagnant. I highly recommend her to my clients, friends and family!"

-J. F., Holistic Health Practitioner & Patient

“I am pretty sensitive to needles. When Andrea Beth treated me, however, it felt as if I had been touched by the wing of a bird.”

-P. P., Patient


“Thank you for all your wonderful work. Your meticulous way of ferreting out the underlying issues that were causing my sinus and sleeping problems has helped me tremendously. Also your ability to offer other holistic methods to assist me was greatly appreciated. You have been of great value to me and my quality of life.”

-P. A, Patient


“I have been well for over a year following your treatments for symptoms of chronic colds and flu. I feel better than ever!”

-P. T., Patient


“Thank you for one year of acupuncture treatment. Thank you for treating my cervical disc injury, before and after surgery. Thank you for educating me in the areas of acupuncture, Eastern medicine and philosophy, and for teaching me to be aware of my body. Thank you for treating me for smoking cessation - 10 months without a cigarette, after 18 years of smoking! Most of all, thank you for providing treatment Western practitioners could not, including overall health, alternative pain management without drugs, and teaching the value of emotional wellness in relation to physical health. Your professionalism, candor, and regard for your patients are remarkable!”

-G. A., Patient 


“I believe Monday’s first acupuncture session accomplished great results! I expected improvement, had confidence in you and was very open-minded about the process of acupuncture I had never experienced. I slept well, and showered and readied myself for work with little or no discomfort Tuesday morning. Congratulations and thanks!!”

-D. A., Patient


 “Thank you for all your wonderful help. You are a gifted healer.”

-R. G., Patient


“The presentation you gave to our group last Friday was great: informative and interesting. You certainly have a convert in me and I imagine we’ll be seeing quite a bit of one another over the next few months. Thanks for spending time with us and for giving us so much food for thought.”

-N. H., Patient


“Thank you! For the relief, and for ‘pinpointing’ the problem!”

-K. T., Patient 


“I have found Andrea Beth to be intelligent and thoughtful. She not only understands the medicine, she extrapolates into areas where the field of natural healing is just developing. She brings creativity to her analysis of health. Personally, I have known Andrea Beth for thirteen or fourteen years. I know her to be of the highest personal integrity. She is compassionate and involves herself in a depth of introspection that is rare, yet in the midst of a serious and genuine approach to life, she is gentle and humorous.”

-J. M., Naturopathic Doctor


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